Wednesday, August 22, 2012

share your story...connecting with today's students...

Please click 'Comment' to share your story with our children in grades 7-12. Every one has a story to share about September 11 and we'd like to read yours. You may post anonymously or sign your story with your name and location.

Click 'Comment' to read the stories of people around the country and how they were impacted on September 11.

Thank you for taking the time to participate.

1 comment:

  1. I was on my way to work as a phlebotomist. (that's the person who takes your blood at the hospital or lab) I stopped at the bank and heard about the first plane crashing into one of the towers, I thought as many did, how could such a mistake happen. By the time I got to work, the second plane had crashed and our world changed forever.
    At the time I was working in an outpatient lab, with a blood donor center. My co-workers and the patients were trading what information we had seen or heard and trying to help each understand this incomprehensible act.
    People were crying or staring in shock, strangers were hugging or holding hands of strangers to give or get comfort, but one of the most amazing things I witnessed that day was that by 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the waiting room and halls were full of people volunteering to donate blood.
    Our country came together that day and showed that we truly were the "United" States of America!
